Imaginit Civil Solutions BlogIn other words, there is no technological possibility to to define additional data attached to graphic elements. Object Data - another way to describe AutoCAD Map 3D graphical elements additional data, which was developed long before Feature classes. The situation with Object Data in AutoCAD Map 3D is very contradictory. In the short term, the advantages of Object Data may let it not only compete with Feature classes in AutoCAD Map 3D, but also set them and AutoCAD Map 3D apart from other mapping software. Map 3D continues to be the Autodesk solution for customers who want broad access to CAD and GIS data to support planning, design and data management workflows. Using Map 3D, you can easily create, maintain and communicate mapping and GIS information within the AutoCAD drawing environment. With task-based tools, you can manage GIS data and aggregate it with design data. Another principal drawback of Object Data implementation is absence of specialized tools for search by Object Data, their field values, graphical elements to which Object Data is attached , etc. That is to say there is no simple way to control the results of OD attachment, to find the errors of incomplete OD attachment and the errors of OD reattachment, to ensure OD fields are filled correctly. Besides, there are no simple tools to search graphic elements with several OD attached including duplicate and various OD as well as tools for duplicate OD detachment. Moreover, any number of identical or different OD can be attached to one element. Users can enter necessary object characteristics values in the OD fields. AutoCAD Map 3D is a mapping vertical product for AutoCAD, i.e. for the program designed mainly for drawing. Therefore, the first and the most expected and the most justified function of such product is drawing of digital plans and maps, GIS data preparation, collection and display of initial terrain data as well as initial spatial data in DWG files. During a recent customer conversation around Autodesk BIM360 implementation, a requirement for the ability to add custom properties to BIM360 DOCS files was brought to our attention. The default settings within BIM360 DOCS already include primary file-based information like Name, Description, Version, Shared status, Size, and DOCS specific information like Markups, Issues, RFI’s and Sets.
Proceed to install the program, and don’t close the AutoCAD website, otherwise, you could get an error during the set up. GIM International is the independent and high-quality information source for everything the global geomatics industry has to offer, online and offline! We provide information about all the major topics in the business, such as mapping & surveying, geodesy, cartography, Lidar, GIS, photogrammetry, UAV/UAS, GNSS, remote sensing and more. For even more customization and specificity, you should consider getting Desktop Program β€œMap Infoβ€ as well as the best wireless mouse for fusion 360 3D toolset. Additionally, it should be noted that AutoCAD Civil 3D is better equipped for dealing with things such as bridges, roads, and other location-specific entities. On our Map, behind the Student Union, circled in Figure 8, there is a plot of grass. Let’s say the University was considering adding a classroom building in that location.
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