As a longtime Win 10 user, I’m happy with the operation of it. This installation went very smoothly, except the product code on the scratch-off label was illegible at one character. Several tries got me to the correct one. Honestly, this should be a five star review. It has worked well. Received updates without any problems. I only gave this a 3 star because I’m really not a Windows person. All my PC’s run Linux but I really wanted to get back into Guild Wars 2. The HoT expansion so I didn’t have much choice. That being said, this is my favorite version of Windows since 7. It jam every time on a restart. GOING on second crash since I bought this in July of 2019.
It loaded fine, I do not like the Windows10 operating system and the way my computer works with it. The company who sent this program to me is not the problem its a Microsoft thing almost as bad as the Vista OS. I love Windows 98 the best. It arrived fast from the provider. Very happy about that. I was an avid Windows 7 user for the longest time. When I built my new PC, I basically had to install Windows 10. It was an accepted change, and its close enough to Windows 7 for me to get used to using it. The people at windows worked their butts off to make the best OS then can. With this whole β€big brotherβ€ thing. You are being watched regardless. If you don’t want to be watched then stop using anything that runs on the internet. Educate yourself before you by something.
I upgrade my computers frequently, and am forced to pay this exorbitant price to support a monopoly. Yeah, this happened from this company. I had to call Microsoft to get a new boot disk. The only reason I didn’t just fight to return it is because I can use the same key code. Had to upgrade from windows 7 because they will no longer be providing updates.
If you have an older OS go ahead and get Windows 10, it’s not exactly the same but good enough, but be weary of buying it on keyforrest. On my wife’s notebook it installed and worked with autodesk autocad 2017 free serial number no problem just took a pretty long time. We have Windows 7 and since ending it forced to try to upgrade. It eventually put it back to Windows 7 so I am probably out the $96 for the one.
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