Function As The First To See What The Experts Are Saying About Best 3d Mouse For Fusion 360 Autodesk Student Autocad 2017Seems FreeCAD is too small to benefit from a split at this time. UI design needs to be intuitive to be useful, IMHO, otherwise the point of something being a usable program is in part lost to the ego of the developer in what might otherwise be a brilliant program. Elegance needs to mesh with intelligence more often. What disappoints and disillusions people is that Autodesk, if I recall correctly, is doing EXACTLY what they specifically said they would never do. DesignSpark Mechanical is based on (i.e. an older version of) Ansys SpaceClaim, which is brilliant, btw. But as with all the others there are limitations. SpaceClaim still runs a halfway house version of the subscription model; fully standalone, but you gotta pay annually or get locked out. DS Mechanical, as I recall, doesn’t let you export to standard file types like step either. They promised to never remove features from the entry tier. They lied, and have broken trust with many thousand of people who invested their time and energy to learn this tool. I dont waste my money on recreational online subscriptions either. Id love it if these CAD companies offered a Pay 5 years up front and just own it option. But I also understand that software piracy has ruined that model for us all. I figured this was too good to last when they introduced it.
Except where otherwise noted, work provided on Autodesk Knowledge Network is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Please see the Autodesk Creative Commons FAQ for more information. I’ve been working in this role for a long time. I’ve never seen any pricing decision this asinine. The biggest problem was in the export of stl files that Fusion 360 does properly - using the name of the component/body for the exported stl file. DSM required you to name a file each time, not good and created a mess. As they are essentially a memory dump there will be cases in which they do not work across Fusion360 versions. In a cloud-based software that updates itself without asking you can see the problem. Been bitten by Alibre, and badly, stay away from them. You are paying over. Over for a constantly evolving product. I don’t like it either but as a software developer I do recognize that it takes time/money to add new features. Saving .f3d file offline is meaningless as Fusion has no real file format. It is more-less just a memory dump which needs Fusion 360 of correct version in order to open it.
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